Sunday, April 24, 2011

Belizean Bounty and Food, Sex and Culture

It has been so long since I posted on here that folks have probably given up on me again. I am in the midst of completing what should be my last semester of classes ever and looking forward to spending the summer in Placencia, Belize, where I will be running a fieldschool and hopefully conducting some research of my own. If all goes according to plan (fingers crossed), I should be done with my qualifying exams and back in Belize with a finalized dissertation research topic in November of this year. And yes, it will probably be about food.

In the meantime I'm busy writing papers and counting down the days to the end of the semester and packing for my summer move-out. I was lucky to find in my inbox this morning these two beautiful photos from my mother of the glorious produce from the garden that my brother planted the last time he was home. Since I am moving I have no garden this spring and these pictures make me miss the farm.

I thought I would share them with you all and also share a paper that I recently published in Indiana University's folklore journal about food-for-sex metaphors in the Anglophone Caribbean. Its specifically about Belize, and contains the results of some exploratory research that I conducted last summer. So if you wonder why I'm not updating my blog like I used to, this is why. Check it out! Fruits and Culture: A Preliminary Examination of Food-For-Sex Metaphors in English Language Caribbean Music.


  1. Came here by way of chennette's blog. Great blog. It is so interesting to see the similarities yet still slight dereferences in our cooking.

  2. Thanks for the compliment wizzy:)
