Sunday, April 19, 2015

A New Era

When I started this blog in 2008 I was sitting at a receptionist desk in Washington DC, completing a Masters degree in Anthropology. Today I am sitting in my comfy chair in my apartment in Belize, with a fan blowing on me trying to keep me cool in the dry season heat. It's been a wild ride for the last 7 years and some of my adventures led me to cease updating this blog in any regular way. In fall of 2009 I moved to Indiana to start a doctorate in Anthropology with a concentration in Food Studies. It was not until September of 2014 that I submitted my final, revised, dissertation and was completely done with my doctorate. It was also in the summer of last year that I started my new business, Taste Belize Tours, and began really delving into culinary tourism, expanding on and adding to the chocolate tours that I have been doing since January of 2013. You haven't experienced our country until you Taste Belize!

While I have learned my lesson and won't make any promises about updating this blog, I hope that with more free time on my hands that I will find myself here again. After all, the last 7 years of my life have been to some degree shaped and instigated by this blog. It was because of it that I was recruited for my doctorate (my adviser found me through this blog), and that was the catalyst for me moving back to my home country and making a living from my love of food. Above is a picture of my kitchen counter in Belize, from a day when I made a delicious coconut curry fish head soup using this tasty hogfish. I hope to share more pictures and recipes soon!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely loved the food in Belize and want to say thank you for writing you blog.
